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来源:R&M 作者:未知 更新时间:2021-01-19
Market overview: FTTH expansion continues. 5G requires FO cabling. New horizons for LAN cabling. Single Pair Ethernet the key technology.
R&M, the globally active developer and provider of cabling systems for high-quality network infrastructures, based in Wetzikon, Switzerland, is expecting a further boost for the data and communication networks market in 2021. In all sectors, demand for bandwidth, new fiber optic technology, and extensive, tightly meshed cabling is increasing. This is detailed by CMO Andreas Rüsseler in the blog series (see the end of the text for links). 
R&M是一家全球活跃的高质量网络基础设施布线系统的开发商和提供商,总部位于瑞士威茨康,预计在2021年数据和通信网络市场上将进一步发展。在所有行业,对带宽、新的光纤技术和广泛的紧密网络布线的需求都在增加。CMO Andreas Rüsseler在博客系列中对此进行了详细说明。  
«As a result of the pandemic, connectivity requirements are becoming more apparent. This particularly includes fast Internet access for private households,» says Andreas Rüsseler. When millions of people are staying at home and having to work remotely, the pressure on demand increases. The telecoms sector is investing more than ever before in Fiber to the Home (FTTH). The R&M CMO believes the investment wave will continue through 2021. Rüsseler: «Although bandwidth is now a basic need – and ought to be considered a utility just like electricity and water – there is still not enough of it.» He believes that, in the long term, only fiber optic cabling will be able to provide the necessary resources. 
由于疫情大爆发,网络连接要求变得越来越透明。Andreas Rüsseler说,这尤其包括私人家庭的快速互联网接入。当数以百万计的人呆在家里,不得不远程工作时,需求的压力就会增加。电信部门在光纤到户(FTTH)方面的投资比以往任何时候都多。R&M首席营销官认为,投资高将持续到2021年。Rüsseler:“虽然带宽现在是一种基本需求,应该像水电一样被视为一种公用事业,但仍然不够。”他相信,从长远来看,只有光纤电缆能够提供必要的资源。
In the blog series, Andreas Rüsseler cites new driving forces for the expansion of fiber optic networks, 5G being one of them. The technology roll-out is just beginning. Countless 5G antennas have to be connected with fiber optic networks, distributors, and data centers. The planned transmission performance can only be realized with Fiber to the Antenna (FTTA). In many places, the necessary fiber optic lines are not yet available. R&M advocates cooperation among market players to be able to expand and use 5G and FTTx infrastructures more cost-effectively. 
Andreas Rüsseler在博客系列中列举了光纤网络扩张的新驱动力,5G就是其中之一。技术的推广才刚刚开始。无数的5G天线必须与光纤网络、分配器和数据中心连接。计划中的传输性能只能通过光纤到天线(FTTA)来实现。在许多地方,还没有可用的光纤线路。R&M提倡市场参与者之间的合作,以便能够更经济高效地扩展和使用5G和FTTx基础设施。
As is the case with 5G, the market for intelligent buildings is still in its infancy, says Andreas Rüsseler. In 2021, the trend will become more apparent. 
Andreas Rüsseler说,与5G一样,智能建筑市场仍处于起步阶段。到2021年,这一趋势将更加明显。
WiFi 6, the next WLAN generation, the Internet of Things (IoT) and building automation will continue to spread with Internet protocol (All over IP). They require high-performance copper cabling to the most distant corners of the buildings. This is why there will be an increased demand for Cat. 6A and Cat. 8.1 cabling in 2021. There will be more products for building technology based on the new cabling technology Single Pair Ethernet (SPE). R&M sees SPE as the key technology for intelligent buildings. Along with data and signals, building networks will have to transmit more power in the future to directly feed the countless IoT small devices. This is why Power over Ethernet (PoE) has a bright future in front of it. Andreas Rüsseler’s conclusion: «New applications are emerging for LAN cabling in the process.» 
WiFi 6、下一代WLAN、物联网(IoT)和楼宇自动化将继续以互联网协议(全IP)传播。它们需要高性能的铜缆连接到建筑物最远的角落。这就是为什么 2021年的布线对Cat 6A和Cat 8.1的需求会增加。在新的布线技术单对以太网(SPE)的基础上,将有更多的产品用于建筑技术。R&M认为SPE是智能建筑的关键技术。除了数据和信号,建筑的网络在未来还必须传输更多的电力,以直接为无数的物联网小型设备供电。这就是为什么以太网供电(PoE)有着光明的前景。Andreas Rüsseler的结论是:“在这个过程中,局域网布线出现了新的应用。”
In a further blog post, R&M CMO Andreas Rüsseler discusses the trends in the data center market. Hyperscale data centers are on the rise all over the world – with unprecedented investments. The evolution to 400 Gigabit/s fiber optic networks will progress in 2021. High-density fiber connectivity requires new kinds of administration and monitoring instruments. R&M expects data centers will be needing more software-aided intelligence in the future to be able to manage their networks.
在另一篇博文中,R&M首席营销官Andreas Rüsseler讨论了数据中心市场的趋势。超大规模数据中心在世界各地都在崛起,投资空前。向400gigabit/s光纤网络的演进将在2021年进行。高密度光纤连接需要新的管理和监测仪器。R&M预计,未来数据中心将需要更多的软件辅助智能来管理其网络。

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