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来源:网络 作者:未知 更新时间:2021-12-16

Circular Economy Business Model
5G 和物联网设备等新技术正在增加设备和数据传输的数量,因此,我们可以预期这些设备排放的温室污染和碳足迹会不断增加。由于用户和小工具的这种持续增加,有必要立即采取行动来开发和实施新技术和解决方案,帮助我们减少当前的温室气体排放和二氧化碳水平。

总体而言,分析和估算来自 ICT 行业的碳足迹总份额非常复杂。衡量 ICT 行业碳足迹的影响并非易事,我们需要考虑供应链的整个周期,这意味着要考虑几个因素,例如制造设备所消耗的能源、与创建、生产和运输所有组件和设备,使用设备时消耗的能源,以及在完成预期寿命后处理所有这些设备的能源消耗。之前的所有因素都有很大的影响,当需要计算二氧化碳排放时,它们会产生很大的影响。
由于需要考虑供应链中的所有步骤,因此参与这些程序的 ICT 部门的每家公司都为通过制造、运输或运营过程减少二氧化碳排放做出了最大贡献。这种流程集成需要在供应商和系统集成商之间建立协议,他们可以共同努力寻找和部署实现可持续和循环经济的解决方案。在组织层面,观察公司之间的战略联盟以开发新技术或平衡和提高现有技术的效率是很常见的。
质量和环境在罗森伯格的企业理念中得到体现,我们努力通过具有环保意识的行动提供尽可能优质的产品和服务,这可以通过我们在质量和环境管理、IATF 16949、DIN EN 中获得的所有证书来证明 9100、ISO 9001 和 ISO 14001 是我们在制造过程中认可和应用的认证的一些示例。如果您有兴趣了解 Rosenberger 如何帮助您适应或改善您当前的业务,同时实施正确且环保的解决方案,请随时通过以下电子邮件联系我们的一位专家Sales@rosenbergerap.com,我们将 很高兴在您保护环境和改善业务的过程中为您提供指导和支持。
Save the environment and reduce the industrial impact on earth by implementing a circular economical business model and innovative business solutions that support the fight against climate change is a necessity in every type of industry. Reducing the carbon footprint is an obligation in the world, and this situation is being taken into consideration in all kinds of businesses since is the priority for governments and high-tech industries.

In this digital transformation era, we are relying more on data and information technology to perform our daily activities such as work, entertainment, investment, and human connection, this massive amount of data is creating a heavy impact on the environment due to the high energy consumption involved in the whole process of manufacturing the products and uses these different gadgets to send, analyze and receive data continuously.

New technologies like 5G and IoT devices are creating an increment in the number of equipment’s and data transmitted, therefore, we can expect that the greenhouse pollution and the carbon footprint emitted from these devices keeps growing. Due to this continuous increment on users and gadgets, it’s necessary to take immediately actions to develop and implement new technologies and solutions that help us to reduce the current level of greenhouse gas emissions and CO2.

Overall, it’s very complicated to analyze and estimate the total share of carbon footprint incoming from ICT industry. Measuring the impact of the carbon footprint in the ICT sector is not an easy task, we need to contemplate the full cycle of the supply chain this mean to take into consideration several factors like the energy consumed in manufacturing the equipment’s, the carbon footprint associated with creating, producing and transporting all their component and equipment, the energy expended when the equipment’s are being used and the energy consumption to disposal all these equipment’s after they finished their live expectations. All previous factors have a big influence and they can have a big impact when CO2 emissions needs to be calculated.

Because all the steps in the supply chain need to be taken in consideration, every company from the ICT sector involved in these procedures, most contribute with the effort to decrease their CO2 emissions either through the manufacturing, transportation or operational process. This process integration is creating the necessity to stablish agreements between suppliers and System Integrator who can work together to find and deploy solutions that allows a sustainable and circular economy. On the organizational level, it’s very common to observe strategic alliances between companies to develop new technology or to balance and make more efficiency the current ones.

Quality and environment are declared in Rosenberger corporate philosophy, we work hard to provide the best possible quality of products and services with environmental conscious actions, this can be proved through all the credentials we have received in quality and environmental management, IATF 16949, DIN EN 9100, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 are some examples of the certifications we have acknowledged and applied in our manufacturing process. If you are interested in knowing how Rosenberger can help you to adapt or improve you current business while implementing the right and environmental friendly solutions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our experts through the following email Sales@rosenbergerap.com, we will be glad to guide and support you through this journey of taking care of the environment and improving your business. 

Rosenberger is an internationally renowned provider of radio frequency and optical fiber communication technologies, products, solutions and services with a history of 60 years. The company always pursues technology and quality leadership, service excellence as the cornerstone of development, in the process of rapid development, is committed to providing customers with high-quality services.


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