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来源:网络 作者:未知 更新时间:2021-12-25



Microsoft Opens Three Swedish Data Hubs Using Only Green Power

Nov 16 , 2021 By Bloomberg News

(彭博社)--微软公司通过与瑞典国有电力公司Vattenfall AB合作,在瑞典三个地点启用了一系列完全由绿色能源供能的数据中心。

(Bloomberg) -- Microsoft Corp. has turned on a series of data centers at three sites in Sweden that run entirely on green energy through a partnership with state-owned utility Vattenfall AB.


The Swedish computer halls, covering a total area of nearly 900 , are the latest in the company’s expansion to meet the huge appetite from businesses for secure cloud services. Microsoft is currently expanding its tally of 250 centers by 50 a year.

负责微软公司基础设施的Noelle Walsh在一次采访中说:“我们计划让瑞典成为微软在欧洲最大的站点,相当于都柏林和阿姆斯特丹规模的总和”。“现在几乎每个国家都需要数据中心”。

“Our plan is to have Sweden as one of the largest in Europe, equivalent to the Dublin and Amsterdam footprints,” Microsoft’s Noelle Walsh, who runs the infrastructure side of the company, said in an interview. “Almost every country in the world wants a set of data centers now.”


The rapid growth in the energy hungry service means an increasing exposure to the huge swings in prices, according to Walsh. While the energy crisis is costing Microsoft “hundreds of millions of dollars within the year,” the shift to renewables is helping to offset soaring gas prices, she said. It’s also key to meeting the company’s target of becoming carbon negative by 2030.

微软的首席环境官Lucas Joppa表示:“我们真正关注的是新建数据中心是否满足我们负碳的目标”。

“We really focus on the way we can build data centers in a way that meets our carbon negative goal,” said Microsoft’s Chief Environmental Officer Lucas Joppa.


As part of that drive, the centers are Microsoft’s first to have back-up generators that run on diesel containing at least 50% renewable raw material.


Client Base

瑞典数据中心已经吸引了包括Svenska Handelsbanken AB和PostNord AB在内的诸多客户。微软周二在声明中表示:“任何规模、领域的企业现在都能将其业务上云”。

The Swedish centers have drawn in clients including Svenska Handelsbanken AB and PostNord AB. “Businesses of all sizes and industries can now host their cloud workloads,” the company said in a statement on Tuesday.


One industry attracted to such technology is firms mining cryptocurrencies, which need vast amounts of energy to solve encryption tasks and receive assets in reward. That “proof of work” method has sparked outrage from Sweden’s financial watchdog, which is now calling for a European Union-wide ban on such methods.

“据估计,两种最大的加密数字货币-比特币和以太坊消耗的电力是瑞典全年消耗的两倍”,瑞典金融服务管理局局长Erik Thedeen在《每日新闻》的一篇评论文章中写道。

“The two largest cryptocurrencies, bitcoin and ethereum, are estimated to use about twice as much electricity in one year as is used throughout Sweden,” Erik Thedeen, the head of Sweden’s FSA, wrote in an opinion piece in Dagens Nyheter earlier this month.


Microsoft wouldn’t comment if specific clients came from this industry but said paid customers must adhere to an Acceptable Use Policy. The company “shares the industry concern regarding the carbon intensity of compute resources required for crypto mining,” it said.

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