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来源:网络 作者:未知 更新时间:2022-03-24


5 easy ways to protect your data center from the effects of climate change

前 言


暴雨引发的毁灭性洪水在西欧已造成上百人伤亡。斯堪的纳维亚半岛的部分地区正在忍受持续的热浪,来自西伯利亚的烟羽(smoke plumes)已经影响了阿拉斯加国际日期变更线区域的空气质量。北美西部前所未有的高温引发了毁灭性的野火。我们的工作和生活会受到突发环境变化的影响,让我们造作准备,未雨绸缪!


Is your data center protected from the elements?


As the varied impacts of climate change drive organizations to rethink their overall resiliency strategies, data center owners and operators will need to understand climate risks and their ramifications on this vital infrastructure.

2020年3月,美国主要的货运公司西部快车公司(Western Express)从一场龙卷风中吸取了惨痛的教训,该公司位于纳什维尔的总部被摧毁,几乎所有关键的IT基础设施都在这里。

In March of 2020, Western Express, a major national U.S. trucking outfit, learned this lesson the hard way when a tornado wiped out the company’s headquarters in Nashville—home to nearly all its critical IT infrastructure.


There’s been a staggering rise in the number of extreme weather events over the past 20 years, driven largely by rising global temperatures and other climatic changes, according to a 2020 United Nations report.


More specifically, climate-related disasters have jumped 83%, major floods have more than doubled, and the number of severe storms has risen 40% since 2000.


With unstable weather comes more frequent and longer-lasting power outages, making it imperative for data center owners and operators to prepare for the inevitable in order to provide 100% reliable service with zero downtime.


That’s why designing resilient infrastructure, hardening existing data centers to withstand catastrophes, and planning for weather-related disasters are paramount. There’s never been a better time to implement strategies to prepare for future disruptions.


Here are five easy ways operators can prepare for the impact of climate change, mitigate the effects of severe weather events and even save money:


Make an inventory of potential risks


Understanding your climate risks and identifying a facility’s strengths and vulnerabilities is the first step in prepping a data center against the impacts of extreme weather events.

美国最近发生的极端天气相关事件,如2021年2月德克萨斯州的冬季风暴导致电网用电紧张,以及2018年的Camp fire——加州历史上最致命、最具破坏性的野火——突显了风险预防的必要性。

Recent extreme weather-related events in the U.S., like the February 2021 winter storm in Texas that strained electrical grids and 2018’s Camp Fire—the deadliest and most destructive wildfire in California’s history—have highlighted the need for risk prevention.


Solid site selection and dynamic data center design are all well and good, but they may not prove enough in the decades ahead. Think about data centers built on plots of land that previously flooded just once every 500 years. That .2% risk of flooding wasn’t much of a threat at all. But the effects of climate change mean that flooding might now happen once every 100 years.


The trend is clear: extreme weather is here to stay. Floods have reached basements where generators are housed, electricity substations that power data centers have been turned off for days at a time due to wildfire risk, and cooling systems have been overwhelmed by extreme heat.


The Uptime Institute suggests categorizing risks and opportunities in three buckets:


Site-level risks


Risks to the local site from an extreme weather event or a sustained change in conditions.


Regional risks


Risks to the local region that are not directly site-related,including supplies, utilities, staff and access.


Sector disruption and change


Some of the effects of climate change will be secondary — affecting governance, costs, technology and site preferences.


Identifying and quantifying the risks from the beginning will give you a better picture of where your vulnerabilities lie and how you can mitigate them going forward.


Harden the data center against extreme weather


Now that you understand the risks, it’s time to take action.


Protecting a data center from severe storms isn’t just about erecting reinforced concrete walls or bolting server cabinets into the ground. Nowadays, hardening your data center means implementing solutions that free up energy and capacity that can be used to improve data center resiliency.


Adding intelligent switchgear that automatically transfers a power supply from its primary source to a backup source when it senses a failure or outage is one way to ensure uptime. In additon, raising the baseline temperature inside the data center—known as a set point—can save money and energy use.


There’s no shortage of small but impactful changes owners and operators can look at when evaluating how to protect a data center. Here are a few examples to consider for specific climate risks:




Because servers are prone to overheating, consider implementing lithium-ion batteries. They’re smaller, lighter and can operate at high temperatures.




Facility managers (FM) should consider threats like wind-blown embers that can collect near fuel tanks and evaluate the travel distance, burning duration, and intensity of embers, as well as additional filtration systems to handle excess ash and smoke.




Adding platforms or raised flooring can mean the difference between a vulnerable data center and a resilient one. Pumping systems and flood barriers are inexpensive ways to mitigate risk.


Partner with IT management


Securing critical infrastructure requires a partnership between FM and IT—one that’s formed well ahead of any emergencies.


Emergency operating procedure drills should be practiced routinely and as far in advance as possible. Few operators have ever drilled for a complete data center failure, and extreme events may put many resiliency strategies involving active-active workloads to the test at scale for the first time.


Consider conducting regular data center “black starts,” the process of restoring an electric power station or a part of an electric grid to operation without relying on external electric power during a total or partial shutdown, to ensure services can be restored manually.


Invest in IT gear that produces less heat and uses less power to compute. IT can also shut down nonessential applications, giving essential services more capacity and battery time.


The process of virtualizing physical servers and equipment in a data center facility not only optimizes IT infrastructure and resource utilization but also reduces operational costs by eliminating excess cooling infrastructure.


Link sustainability and resiliency


Even if a data center isn’t in the direct line of fire for severe weather, every facility relies on water to cool down servers. Installing more efficient chillers, maximizing temperatures for evaporative cooling systems, or more novel approaches like immersion cooling, can help conserve water and reduce the environmental impact for everyone.

尽管环境、社会和治理(Environmental, Social and Governance, ESG)策略和目标可能不会直接影响数据中心的灵活性,但它们确实会对成本限制和运营产生间接影响。确保关于电力使用、碳减排和水使用的ESG目标对您的数据中心灵活性是有益的补充(而不是限制)。

Although Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) tactics and goals may not directly impact data center resiliency, they do have an indirect effect on cost restrictions and operations. Ensure ESG goals regarding power use, carbon reduction and water use are complementary to (and not competing with) your resiliency efforts.


Invest in remote monitoring and management


Facilities that invested in data center monitoring and management because of the pandemic’s impact on remote work and increased cybersecurity may be ahead of the game when it comes to environmental monitoring.


The effects of extreme weather can lead to downtime. FM can provide the right combination of monitoring tools—both network and IP—to help maintain the prime condition of a data center and provide immediate alerts to issues that threaten server environments.


Remote environmental monitoring and management protect server rooms and facilities from extremes in server temperature, power fluctuations and humidity changes. Implementing wireless sensors can provide a holistic view of the health of the facility, as well as processes to alert off-site staff to efficiency failures.

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