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来源:网络 作者:原创 王权 王谋锐 DeepKnowledge 2024年08月30日 17:30 北京 更新时间:2024-09-01

How Much Does it Cost to Build a Data Center?

By  Mary Zhang

译 者 说
How much does it cost to build a data center, including construction of the building, and equipping the facility with power and cooling infrastructure to house server, storage, and networking equipment?
As a general rule, it costs between $600 to $1,100 per gross square foot or $7 million to $12 million per megawatt of commissioned IT load to build a data center. Therefore, if a 700,000-square foot, 60-megawatt data center were to be built in Northern Virginia, the world’s largest data center market, it would cost between $420 million and $770 million to construct the facility, including its powered shell and equipping the building with the appropriate electrical systems and HVAC components.
Dgtl Infra 概述了构建数据中心的组成部分,详细介绍了每平方英尺及每兆瓦的成本,并按类型(零售、批发、本地和地理位置)进一步细分了这些关键基础设施的构建成本和地理。
Dgtl Infra provides an overview of the components of building a data center, details the cost on a square footage- and megawatt-basis, and further segments the build costs for these mission-critical facilities by type (retail, wholesale, on-premises) and geography.
What are the Components of Building a Data Center?
Building a greenfield data center, including the necessary infrastructure and components used in the operation of the facility, can generally be broken down into four main categories: i) land and building shell, ii) electrical systems, iii) HVAC / mechanical / cooling systems, and iv) building fit-out. Below is a description of each of these categories, alongside their typical cost breakdown ranges:

  • 土地和建筑外壳(15%至20%):建筑外壳,活动地板
  • Land and Building Shell (15% to 20%): building shell, raised floor
  • 电气系统(40%至45%):备用发电机、电池、电源分配单元(PDU)、不间断电源(UPS)、开关设备/变压器
  • Electrical Systems (40% to 45%): electrical backup generator, batteries, power distribution unit (PDU), uninterruptible power supply (UPS), switchgear / transformers
  • 暖通空调/机械/冷却系统(15%至20%):机房空调(CRAC)、机房空气处理器(CRAH)、风冷式冷水机组、冷冻水储存和管道
  • HVAC / Mechanical / Cooling Systems (15% to 20%): computer room air conditioner (CRAC), computer room air handler (CRAH), air cooled chillers, chilled water storage and pipes
  • 建筑装修(20%至25%):大堂/入口,会见室(MMR),收发区
  • Building Fit-Out (20% to 25%): lobby / entrance, meet-me room (MMR), shipping & receiving area

Importantly, data center operators generally do not own any of the server, storage, or networking equipment housed within their facilities.

How Long Does Data Center Equipment Last?

数据中心设备,包括发电机、电源分配单元(PDU)、不间断电源 (UPS)、开关设备/变压器和 HVAC/冷却系统,使用寿命均为 20+ 年。作为参考,被Digital Realty(纽约证券交易所代码:DLR)收购的杜邦法布罗斯(Dupont Fabros)在历史上披露了其数据中心资产主要组件折旧的使用寿命:
Data center equipment, including generators, power distribution units (PDUs), uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), switchgear / transformers, and HVAC / cooling systems all have useful lives of 20+ years. As a reference point, Dupont Fabros, which was acquired by Digital Realty (NYSE: DLR), historically disclosed the useful lives over which the major components of its data center properties were depreciated:

Notably, one component of a data center that needs to be replaced much more frequently are batteries, which safeguard facilities from power disruptions. In the event of a power outage, batteries supply power first, followed by backup generators, which take about a minute to turn on. Typically, batteries have a useful life and are replaced every 5 to 6 years.
How Much Does it Cost to Build a Data Center?
Data center build costs are best characterized on a relative basis, as measured by square footage (sqft) and megawatts (MW). This is because there are various types of data centers, such as retail and wholesale, as well as sizes of facilities, including 1-megawatt and 50-megawatt, where scale provides a build cost advantage.

平方英尺 (平方英尺)
Square Footage (sqft)

Below is an illustrative example of the total development cost components for a greenfield data center, based on gross square footage, which generally ranges between $625 to $1,135 per gross sqft. The two key cost groupings are those related to the powered shell and data center improvements.

数据中心 – 总开发成本示例
Data Center – Total Development Costs Example

Powered Shell
In terms of the powered shell, land costs range between $25 to $75 per gross sqft, while the building shell costs between $80 to $160 per gross sqft. As such, the total powered shell costs range between $105 to $235 per gross sqft, equivalent to 17% to 21% of total development costs.
Data Center Improvements
Data center improvements then bring this powered shell up to a turn-key (i.e., fully fitted-out) facility. This means that the data center is ready to house cages, cabinets, and racks with power distribution units (PDUs), uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), HVAC systems, and fire suppression capabilities in-place.
Electrical systems comprise the largest component of data center improvements, with costs ranging between $280 to $460 per gross sqft. Next, mechanical systems, which is primarily HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), add further costs of $125 to $215 per gross sqft. A smaller cost component, fire suppression, involves an additional $15 to $25 per gross sqft. Finally, building fit-out makes up the remaining $100 to $200 per gross sqft of data center improvement costs.
Collectively, total data center improvements range between $520 to $900 per gross sqft, equivalent to 79% to 83% of total development costs. Within data center improvements, the two largest categories are electrical systems, comprising 40% to 45% of total development costs and HVAC / mechanical / cooling at ~20% of total costs.
Total Development Costs
Overall, including both powered shell and data center improvements, total development costs range between $625 to $1,135 per gross sqft.
Alternatively, total development costs could be measured on the basis of net rentable square feet (NRSF), which accounts for power and cooling capacity limitations and excludes space occupied by infrastructure and equipment. Assuming NRSF is equal to ~50% of gross square feet, then total development costs would range between $1,250 to $2,200 per NRSF.
兆瓦 (MW)
Megawatts (MW)
Total development costs for a greenfield data center, based on megawatts, typically range from $7 million to $12 million per megawatt of commissioned IT load.
然而,建造数据中心的每兆瓦成本可能会有所不同,这取决于与数据中心装修的复杂程度相关的因素。为此,超大规模企业(如云服务提供商 (CSP) 和互联网公司)对数据中心的要求因企业而异。
However, the cost per megawatt to build a data center can vary, based on factors related to the sophistication of the data center fit-out. To this end, the data center requirements of hyperscalers – such as cloud service providers (CSPs) and internet companies – vary greatly from enterprises.
Understanding the Cost Factors
Below are four key areas where customer requirements differ, impacting build costs:
  • 功率密度:在固定空间内可用的功率。高密度空间是指相对于空间的大量功率,而低密度空间表示相对于空间的功率较小。对于需要高密度空间的用户,需要额外的冷却能力来满足IT设备功率需求和热排放的增加,从而导致更高的成本
  • Power Density: amount of power available in a fixed amount of space. High-density space refers to a large amount of power relative to space, while low-density space signifies a smaller amount of power relative to space. For customers desiring high-density space, additional cooling capacity is needed to match increases in IT equipment power requirements and heat exhaustion – which leads to higher costs
  • 冗余/弹性:为了减少停机时间,数据中心在其设施中构建了冗余,这复制了备用发电机、不间断电源(UPS)、电源分配单元(PDU)和冷却系统等关键组件。随着冗余架构级别(称为 N、N+1、N+2、2N 和 2N+1)的提高,构建数据中心的成本也相应增加
  • Redundancy/Resiliency: to mitigate downtime, data centers build redundancy into their facilities, which duplicates critical components such as backup generators, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), power distribution units (PDUs), and cooling systems. As the level of redundancy architecture increases, known as N, N+1, N+2, 2N, and 2N+1, a corresponding rise in the cost of building a data center results

  • 规模:从设施层面和企业的角度来看,大规模数据中心的开发和产品组合允许更大的购买力,从而更具成本效益地从施耐德电气、伊顿和维谛等制造商处采购电气系统和暖通空调组件。这样可以降低数据中心建设项目的单位成本
  • Scale: from both a facility-level and corporate perspective, large-scale data center developments and portfolios allow for greater purchasing power and thus more cost-effective procurement of electrical systems and HVAC components from manufacturers like Schneider Electric, Eaton, and Vertiv. This leads to lower unit costs for data center construction projects

  • 时间:与构建数据中心的一个阶段并使其为客户占用运行所需的时间有关。客户通常需要在非常具体和短的时间内获得数据中心空间,而构建成本可能更高。而建立在投机基础上的数据中心(即没有客户预先承诺)可以随着时间的推移进行安装,从而可能节省成本
  • Timing: relates to the time that it takes to construct a phase of a data center and make it operational for a customer’s occupation. Customers often need data center space within very specific and short timeframes, which can be more costly to build. Whereas data centers built on-speculation (i.e., without a customer pre-commitment) can be fitted-out over time, potentially yielding cost savings
Tier Certification Levels
Uptime Institute 通常通过四个不同的认证级别对数据中心进行评级:Tier I、Tier II、Tier III 和 Tier IV。该评级系统对每个认证等级的数据中心提供的功能和最低服务水平有严格而具体的要求,冗余组件的水平是一个主要因素。
Data centers are commonly rated by the Uptime Institute through four distinct tier certification levels: Tier I, Tier II, Tier III, and Tier IV. This rating system has strict and specific requirements for the capabilities and minimum level of service a data center certified for each ‘tier’ provides – with the level of redundant components being a major factor.
通过需要更大的冗余来实现更高级别的认证,随着项目以更高级别的认证级别为目标,数据中心的装修成本也会上升。例如,建造和装修 Tier IV 数据中心的成本可能比 Tier III 数据中心高出 25% 到 40%,是 Tier II 数据中心的两倍。
By requiring greater redundancy to achieve higher tier certification, the costs of fitting-out a data center rise as a project targets a higher tier certification level. For example, the cost of constructing and fitting-out a Tier IV data center can be 25% to 40% more than a Tier III data center and double that of a Tier II data center.
Brownfield Development
除了绿地数据中心,还可以通过棕地重建项目获得有意义的成本优势。例如,QTS Realty Trust已将许多现有的房地产资产(如半导体制造厂和报纸印刷厂)重新用于数据中心。
Beyond greenfield data centers, a meaningful cost advantage can also be gained through brownfield redevelopment projects. For example, QTS Realty Trust has repurposed many existing real estate assets, such as semiconductor fabrication plants and newspaper printing presses, into data centers.
Previously, QTS has noted a 10% to 15% cost advantage from its brownfield redevelopment of existing buildings, translating into cost savings of several million dollars per megawatt. Specifically, QTS’ brownfield redevelopment approach resulted in an average cost to build of $7 million to $8 million per megawatt.

设施类型 – 数据中心建设成本
Types of Facilities – Data Center Build Costs

数据中心的建设成本受所建设设施类型的影响,无论是零售托管、批发还是本地部署。尽管如此,所有这些数据中心类型,无论是服务于零售客户还是大定制客户,都需要相同的基本电气和 HVAC 系统来为其设施中的设备供电和冷却。
Data center build costs are influenced by the type of facility being constructed, whether it be retail colocation, wholesale, or on-premises. Still, all of these data center types, whether serving retail or wholesale customers, require the same fundamental electrical and HVAC systems to power and cool the equipment in their facilities.
虽然没有两个数据中心是完全相同的,但 Dgtl Infra 提供了零售托管、大定制和本地设施的投资组合和资产级数据中心建设成本示例。特别是,这些数字是基于数据中心运营商对其新站点和/或扩展站点的资本支出披露。
While no two data centers are identical, Dgtl Infra provides examples of portfolio and asset-level data center construction costs for retail colocation, wholesale, and on-premises facilities. Particularly, these figures are based on capital expenditure disclosures from data center operators for their new and/or expansion sites.
Retail Colocation
Retail colocation involves the provision of turn-key data center services to multiple customers with smaller individual power capacity requirements, typically under 1 megawatt, and within the same data halls. These retail data centers tend to cost towards the high-end of build cost ranges, on a per sqft and per megawatt basis, as they need to be capable of accommodating multiple types of customer deployments.

CoreSite – 示例
CoreSite – Example
American Tower通过其品牌CoreSite拥有总计3.259亿美元的数据中心开发管道,以及20兆瓦的电力容量和148k平方英尺的在建空间。反过来,这个以零售和互连为重点的数据中心建设管道意味着每兆瓦1630万美元和每平方英尺2,200美元的建设成本。
American Tower, through its brand CoreSite, has a data center development pipeline totaling $325.9 million, with 20 megawatts of power capacity and 148k sqft under construction. In turn, this retail and interconnection-focused data center construction pipeline implies a cost to build of $16.3 million per megawatt and $2,200 per sqft.
Notably, CoreSite’s data center development pipeline is entirely in the United States and skewed towards markets where construction is more expensive, including Silicon Valley (Santa Clara), Los Angeles, and New York.
Wholesale data centers are leased to a single customer, in the form of either a full building or data hall, with access to basic power and cooling infrastructure. In these facilities, the customer is responsible for building-out the white space into a fully functioning data center.
Implicitly, a data center built for a single tenant, or for a few customers with similar requirements, can be developed with standardized designs and materials, driving construction efficiencies. Additionally, as previously noted, large-scale data center development projects allow for greater purchasing power and thus, more cost-effective procurement of data center components, leading to lower unit costs.
Overall, wholesale data centers can be built for a lower cost, on a per sqft and per megawatt basis, than multi-tenant retail colocation facilities.

Digital Realty – 示例
Digital Realty – Example

Digital Realty的交钥匙数据中心开发管道耗资38.6亿美元,电力容量为321兆瓦,在建面积为368万平方英尺。反过来,这个全球性的、主要是批发的数据中心建设管道意味着每兆瓦1200万美元和每平方英尺1050美元的建设成本。
Digital Realty’s turn-key data center development pipeline comprises $3.86 billion, with 321 megawatts of power capacity and 3.68 million sqft under construction. In turn, this global and primarily wholesale data center construction pipeline implies a cost to build of $12.0 million per megawatt and $1,050 per sqft.

Equinix (xScale) – 示例
Equinix (xScale) – Example

Equinix 在美洲、欧洲、中东和非洲地区和亚太地区有9个正在进行的xScale(超大规模)数据中心建设。这些项目的总成本为9.52亿美元,发电容量为83兆瓦。反过来,Equinix的多区域批发数据中心开发管道意味着每兆瓦1150万美元的建设成本。
Equinix has 9 ongoing xScale (hyperscale) data center builds in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific. In aggregate, these projects total $952 million of costs and represent 83 megawatts of power capacity. In turn, Equinix’s multi-region wholesale data center development pipeline implies a cost to build of $11.5 million per megawatt.

On-Premises Data Centers

本地数据中心由最终用户(包括公司和组织)拥有和运营,以满足他们自己的数据中心要求。例如,云服务提供商(CSP),包括亚马逊网络服务(AWS),Microsoft Azure和谷歌云,以及苹果和Facebook(Meta Platforms)等互联网公司,通常追求一些数据中心的自建,而不是从第三方批发设施租赁所有容量需求。
On-premises data centers are owned and operated by end users, including corporations and organizations, to meet their own data center requirements. For example, cloud service providers (CSPs), including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, as well as internet companies like Apple and Facebook (Meta Platforms), often pursue self-builds of some of their data centers, instead of leasing all of their capacity needs from third-party wholesale facilities.

因此,本地数据中心为评估数据中心构建成本提供了另一个相关基准。为此,以下是 Apple 和 Facebook (Meta Platforms) 在美国的本地数据中心的三个示例:
As such, on-premises data centers provide another relevant benchmark to assess data center build costs. To this end, below are three examples of on-premises data centers in the United States from Apple and Facebook (Meta Platforms):
Apple and Facebook (Meta Platforms) – Examples

  • 苹果:位于爱荷华州沃基的新数据中心园区最终将跨越6栋建筑,总面积为200万平方英尺,投资额为13亿美元,预计建造成本为每平方英尺650美元
  • Apple: new data center campus in Waukee, Iowa will ultimately span 6 buildings, totaling 2 million sqft and will represent an investment of $1.3 billion, inferring a cost to build of $650 per sqft

  • Facebook(Meta):位于爱达荷州库纳市的新数据中心园区将占地960k+平方英尺,投资额超过8亿美元,这意味着每平方英尺的建设成本为833美元
  • Facebook (Meta): new data center campus in the city of Kuna, Idaho will span 960k+ sqft and will represent an investment of over $800 million, implying a cost to build of $833 per sqft

  • Facebook(Meta):密苏里州堪萨斯城的新数据中心园区将占地近100万平方英尺,投资额将超过8亿美元,表明每平方英尺的建设成本为800美元
  • Facebook (Meta): new data center campus in Kansas City, Missouri will span nearly 1 million sqft and will represent an investment of more than $800 million, indicating a cost to build of $800 per sqft

地理比较 – 数据中心建设成本
Geographic Comparison – Data Center Build Costs
数据中心建设成本显示出有限的地理差异,因为土地仅占总开发成本的~5%,劳动力价格是另一个小贡献者。下面,Dgtl Infra提供了Digital Realty和Equinix的示例,这些示例显示了全球主要地区的投资组合和资产级数据中心建设成本。
Data center build costs show limited geographic variance, given that land only comprises ~5% of total development costs, with labor rates another small contributor. Below, Dgtl Infra provides examples, from Digital Realty and Equinix, of portfolio and asset-level data center construction costs for key regions globally.
United States
在美国,Digital Realty的开发管道意味着平均建造成本为每兆瓦约950万美元和每平方英尺约1,000美元。
In the United States, Digital Realty’s development pipeline implies an average cost to build of ~$9.5 million per megawatt and ~$1,000 per sqft.
Regionally, Tier-1 markets including Silicon Valley (Santa Clara, San Jose, San Francisco) and the New York / New Jersey metro area have more expensive land values. In contrast, Dallas-Fort Worth and Atlanta tend to have larger wholesale data centers built in their outer suburbs, which makes land values and build costs more economical.
在欧洲,Digital Realty的开发管道意味着平均建造成本为每兆瓦约1400万美元和每平方英尺约1,200美元。在欧洲,德国法兰克福,英国伦敦,法国巴黎和瑞士苏黎世等市场;与西班牙马德里,爱尔兰都柏林和荷兰阿姆斯特丹相比,建设指标的成本往往更高。
In Europe, Digital Realty’s development pipeline implies an average cost to build of ~$14 million per megawatt and ~$1,200 per sqft. Within Europe, markets such as Frankfurt, Germany; London, UK; Paris, France; and Zurich, Switzerland; tend to have more expensive cost to build metrics than Madrid, Spain; Dublin, Ireland; and Amsterdam, Netherlands.
在亚太地区,Digital Realty的开发管道意味着平均建造成本为每兆瓦约1200万美元和每平方英尺约1,000美元。特别是,亚太地区主要数据中心市场价格较高,包括日本东京,日本大阪,韩国首尔,新加坡,香港,澳大利亚悉尼,印度孟买,中国北京和中国上海。
In Asia-Pacific, Digital Realty’s development pipeline implies an average cost to build of ~$12 million per megawatt and ~$1,000 per sqft. Particularly, key Asia-Pacific data center markets that are more expensive, include Tokyo, Japan; Osaka, Japan; Seoul, South Korea; Singapore; Hong Kong; Sydney, Australia; Mumbai, India; Beijing, China; and Shanghai, China.
However, proximate alternatives to markets like Singapore, in the form of Johor, Malaysia; and Batam, Indonesia; provide lower-cost nearshore alternatives. At the same time, the main wholesale data center hubs within these countries – Kuala Lumpur (Cyberjaya), Malaysia and Jakarta (Bekasi), Indonesia – are also less expensive.
Latin America
In Latin America, the four major data center markets are São Paulo, Brazil; Querétaro (Mexico City), Mexico; Santiago, Chile; and Bogotá, Colombia.
In Querétaro, Equinix, via its xScale (hyperscale) joint venture, is building the first phase of its MX3 data center, known as Mexico City 3x-1, at a cost of $58 million. This facility will have 4 megawatts of power capacity, implying a build cost of $14.5 million per megawatt, for its first phase.
然而,通过后续阶段,Equinix 预计将MX3的电力容量扩展到14兆瓦,总成本为1.4亿美元,这意味着每兆瓦的构建成本仅为1000万美元。事实上,Equinix的例子表明,数据中心项目的初始阶段可以具有更高的资本密集度,而后续的建设阶段可以帮助使相对成本恢复到行业平均水平。
Yet, through subsequent phases, Equinix expects to scale MX3 to 14 megawatts of power capacity, at a total cost of $140 million, which indicates a build cost of only $10 million per megawatt. Indeed, Equinix’s example shows how initial phases of data center projects can have a higher capital intensity, while subsequent phases of construction can help bring relative costs back in-line with industry averages.

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