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大多数运营商在设计其数据中心时都使用了最低水平的冗余电源,以确保由于UPS故障、备用发电机故障或总电源中断而导致的停机故障恢复能力高。数据中心的主要基础架构需要完全冗余,以实现Uptime Institute规定的Tier IV标准,并实现每年99.995%的正常运行时间。
尽管每个项目都不尽相同,通常可以使用不同的发电机配置来达到数据中心所需的冗余级别,燃气发电可以达到Tier IV级和2N + 1级的冗余。
James Green,Aggreko
James Green is the global account manager at Aggreko, aleading temporary power generation provider
Gas-poweredgenerators offer a convenient supply of elec
Data centers areessential to delivering many daily services that society relies on, includingcommunications, energy systems, transport and health services. As more data centersare popping up across the globe, it’s critical to identify suitable locationsto ensure optimal efficiency performance.
A critical factorin this decision is ensuring the site has an adequate electricity supply topower and cool its facilities, as data centers are large energy users and addsignificant electrical loads to existing electricity infrastructures. In somecountries, systems are already operating near to full capacity, so new datacenters place significant additional strain on the local and nationalelectricity grid.
Although there are minor challenges to temporary gas generation,overall it offers a practical and reliable solution because gas generators canprovide the power needed to enable new or expanding data centers to becomeoperational - from construction and commissioning to their eventual day-to-dayrunning - at least until electricity from the grid starts to flow.
Here are the pros and cons of gas-powered rental generation.
Sustainable power
Data center operators have been using diesel generators asemergency backup/standby power at their sites for many years. Consequently,they’ve also used them to overcome grid supply challenges and help them bridgethe power supply gap to get their new data servers online on time. However,continuously using diesel generation as a substitute for mains power over longperiods of time is not cost-effective or sustainable.
Diesel generators are used for standby duty applications becausethey can accept significant load steps after a power outage, so they can be quicklybrought online to take over from a site’s UPS system. However, dieselgenerators need a robust and often costly fuel management strategy, taking intoaccount the logistical and safety issues surrounding regular refueling.
Diesel generators have long-term environmental implications aswell. Many local governments or authorities will raise concerns about thelong-term continuous use of diesel generation within built-up and denselypopulated areas, due to the harmful and damaging effects of NOx pollutants.Changes in building regulations and a tightening of planning controls mean thatdevelopers are expected to explore alternative options to minimize energywaste, greenhouse gas emissions and improve air quality.
Additionally, using combined heat and power technology, wasteheat from the cooling system of the generators’ engines could produce anadditional electricity supply for the site. This process is more efficient andhas lower greenhouse gas emissions than electricity coming from conventionalpower station generation. The waste heat could also be diverted for use with anabsorption chiller unit to provide chilled water for use in the data center’scooling systems.
Overall, gas is a cleaner energy source producing feweremissions than diesel, so gas generation is more favorable than diesel forcontinuous operation.
Grid synchronization
Like diesel variants, gas generators effectively synchronizewith the electricity grid, operating in parallel with the incoming electricitysupply. This is achieved in the following ways:
Gas generation produces a constant power output, providing baseload power at a potentially lower price than electricity from the grid. Thedata center uses the grid supply to meet varying loads above the base load.
Gas generation is used in addition to the existing grid supply,therefore providing additional capacity. Typically, the gas generators wouldstill take the constant base load of the site and the grid would support anyvarying load.
Advanced planning is necessary because the connection and designof parallel mode generation require the local network operator’s approval.
Standalone, continuous power
Gas generators can also run in island mode – where they are notconnected or synchronized with the electricity grid – making it suitable forsites with sufficient medium or high-pressure gas supply already available butwith no available mains power. The operator effectively uses the gas generatorsas the site’s utility provider, building its own mini power station to supplyoperations.
High resilience standard
The most critical factor to a data center’s power strategy isresilience, and for a gas generation to be effective, sites must be able to configurea set-up that meets the highest resilience standards.
Most operators design their data centers with a minimum level ofredundant power to ensure a high level of resilience to downtime as a result ofUPS malfunctions, standby generator failures or total mains power outages. Asite’s primary infrastructure needs to be fully redundant to achieve Tier IV ofthe Uptime Institute’s tier system and deliver 99.995 percent uptime per year.
While every project is different and often different generatorconfigurations can be used to achieve a site’s required redundancy level,gas-powered generation can reach Tier IV and redundancy of 2N+1.
Drawbacks are real
Given that many data centers are in highly-populated areas, thebiggest impediment to temporary natural gas-powered generation is findingaccessible and available natural gas to accommodate the generators.
There are additional costs associated with installing pipelineinfrastructure from the utility provider to the temporary generator althoughthe long-term cost savings of using natural gas over diesel is tremendous andeven offset the costs related to the pipeline installation.
Also, there are fuel alternatives if natural gas is unavailable.Companies could use liquid natural gas or compressed natural gas althoughcostly and comes with rigorous regulation hurdles. However if this meansgetting the site up and running 12-18 months quicker, it may still be costeffective, especially in comparison to a diesel solution.
In conclusion, as data centers evolve and power generationcompanies in recent years investing heavily in research and developmentprograms to advance gas generation technology, temporary gas generation is aviable alternative to diesel. Not only can these generators help bridge the gapwhen electricity networks cannot deliver on a data center’s demands, they canalso provide a more sustainable long-term substitute for mains power.
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