Dr. Jürgen W. Gromer
Tyco Electronics Corporation
As President of Tyco Electronics Corporation, Dr. Gromer is responsible for all aspects of the company’s operations. He formerly held senior management positions at AMP including Senior Vice President of Worldwide Sales and Services, President of the Global Automotive Division, and Vice President of Central and Eastern Europe.
作为泰科电子的总裁,Dr. Gromer全面负责公司的运作,之前,他担当AMP的管理高层,是负责全球销售和服务的副总裁,全球汽车部门的总裁,中、东欧部的副总裁。
Under Dr. Gromer’s responsibility, Tyco Electronics became the largest passive electronic components supplier in the world, through both organic growth as well as strategic acquisitions that broadened the company’s offering to the automotive, communications, computer and other industries. Working with his management team, he streamlined the company’s operations into vertically integrated industry- and product-based business units, each with profit center responsibility, enabling better customer focus and response.
Moving forward, Tyco Electronics’ strategy is to concentrate on the expansion of its business through organic growth with existing and new products, gaining market share in existing and new markets such as China, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe and South Americas. In addition, Tyco Electronics is concentrating on further cost improvements and customer service in order to expand its competitiveness.
Dr. Gromer has over twenty years of AMP and Tyco Electronics experience, serving in a wide variety of country, regional and global assignments.
Dr. Gromer在安普以及泰科工作20多年了,有着非常丰富的在不同的国家、地区乃至全球的国际管理服务经验。